All of my poems, and the records of them as well are licensed under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND license. This means, it is allowed to copy and use them by non-comercial reasons without any changes and by refering them to my artist name and license.
- Das Tier (to the poem; 2012
- Die Eberesche (to the poem; 2023)
Beatz from Exogen - Die Zeit der Träume ist vorbei (to the poem; 2023)
Beatz from Tobias Thiele - Kämpfen & Gedenken (to the poem; 2019)
Beatz from Tobias Thiele - Scheinwelt (to the poem; 2019
Beatz from Tobias Thiele - TĂĽrkis (to the poem; 2014
- Visionen der Verdammnis (to the poem; 2023)
Beatz from Tobias Thiele
Feat. Maria Jiku
with Albino (Page of Albino)
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- Der Kampf geht weiter (to the poem »An Ulrikes Grab«; 2016
Beatz from Limarya - Hoffnung (to the poem; 2019
Beatz from Tobias Thiele - Knäste (to the poem; 2014
Beatz from Da Ridla
with anderersaits (Page of anderersaits)
- Die Uhr und der Sinn (to the poem; 2014
- Für die Mondgöttin (Version 1) (to the poem; 2019
- Freiheit fĂĽr die Vielfalt (to the poem; 2014
- Rosenhautbild (to the poem«; 2021)
with Geigerzaehler
with Andi Luis Ferrer Pedroso
- Alternativas (to the poem; 2019
- Bajo el espejo del agua (to the poem; 2019)
- El idioma español (to the poem; 2019)
- Locura (to the poem; 2023)
- Un poder enemigo (to the poem; 2019
with Barefoot Etc. (Page of Barefoot Etc.)
- Lernmaschinen? (to the poem; 2014
with Der Einsame Wallborn (Der Einsame Wallborn at
- Rabenflug (to the poem; 2016
with Disaster (Disaster at facebook)
- Der Hoffnung Keim (to the poem; 2019
with Sahara B. & Tobias Thiele as Noisy Nuke Combo
with Faina
- Insel der Ruhe (to the poem; 2014
with Fari
- Der Kahn (to the poem; 2019
- Carah Mondtanz (to the poem; 2018
- FĂĽr den Krieg niemals! (to the poem; 2019
with Hisztory, Weekend Chicken Supervisor & Max Liebers - Tamara Anna (to the poem; 2021)
with Trim Hopfenbart - Tania Kiah (to the poem; 2020)
with Tobias Thiele
with Franzi Graube-KĂĽhne
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- Der Sommer ging (to the poem; 2013
- Deutsche Tradition (to the poem; 2019
- Lelia (to the poem; 2012
- Rausch (to the poem; 2011
- Zwischen Schatten und Licht (to the poem; 2011
with Geigerzähler (Page of Geigerzähler)
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- Rosenhautbild (to the poem«; 2021)
with anderersaits - Traum von Hass und Gier (to the poem; 2012
with Genez
- Ă–dland (to the poem; 2019
with Grog (Page of Dampf in allen Gassen)
- Die Häuser denen, die drin wohnen! (to the poem; 2013
- Ich stehe am Fenster (to the poem; 2013
with Harlekin Fitch (Harlekin Fitch at youtube)
- Wilder Vogel (to the poem; 2018
with a pirate choir, composed of Marion & Fred Dietrich; Fio alias Carah & Nico Homburg alias Jörg from the Wildvogel-Clan; Julie Zettlitz; Owain, Brox & Mortran from the Fuß; Peter Konzeck and C.
with Hisztory (Page of Hisztory)
- FĂĽr den Krieg niemals! (to the poem; 2019
with Weekend Chicken Supervisor, Max Liebers & Fio - Der WildvogelÂ-Clan (to the poem; 2014
- Träumer_Innen (to the poem; 2014
with Holger Burner (Holger Burner at facebook)
- Sehen (to the poem; 2014
Beatz from Samurai
with Klaus dem Geiger (Page of Klaus dem Geiger)
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- Die Wagenburg (to the poem; 2015
- Wir stören gern! (to the poem; 2015
with Lari (Page of Lari und der Pausenmusik)
- Aus Liebe zur Freiheit zur Liebe (to the poems »Ein trauriges Liebesgedicht« & »Ein widerständiges Liebesgedicht«; 2022)
with Mastermindchaos - Lass niemals gleichgĂĽltig mich sein (to the poem; 2014
- Tausend Worte (to the poem; 2014
with Leonhard (Page of Leonhard)
- Das Lachen eines Kindes (to the poem; 2014
- WofĂĽr ich lebe… (to the poem; 2014
with Mastermindchaos
- Aus Liebe zur Freiheit zur Liebe (to the poems »Ein trauriges Liebesgedicht« & »Ein widerständiges Liebesgedicht«; 2022)
with Lari
with Mathis (Page of Dampf in allen Gassen)
- Das flammende Herz (to the poem; 2013
with Max Liebers
- FĂĽr den Krieg niemals! (to the poem; 2019
with Hisztory, Weekend Chicken Supervisor & Fio
with Patsy Stone (Page of Patsy Stone)
- Abya Yala (to the poem; 2019
with Reka Turmfalke & Grog
- Turmfalke (to the poem; 2013
with Rest in Risiko (Page of Rest in Risiko)
with Sahara B. (Page of Sahara B.)
- Der Hoffnung Keim (to the poem; 2019
with Disaster & Tobias Thiele as Noisy Nuke Combo - Stille (to the poem; 2014
with Shei (Website of Shei; Shei Hamatb Ac’ubyr at the Satjira-Project)
- Für die Mondgöttin (Version 2) (to the poem; 2019
with Tobias Thiele
with Tobias Thiele (Page of Tobias Thiele)
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- Compañera (to the poem; 2012
- Der Hoffnung Keim (to the poem; 2019
with Disaster & Sahara B. as Noisy Nuke Combo - Die Zeit der Träume ist vorbei (to the poem; 2023)
- Euskadi (to the poem; 2017
- Für die Mondgöttin (Version 2) (to the poem; 2019
with Shei - Tania Kiah (to the poem; 2020)
with Fio - ¡VĂctor Jara, presente! (to the poem; 2013
- Visionen der Verdammnis (to the poem; 2023)
- Yo sueño (to the poem; 2017
with Trim Hopfenbart
- Tamara Anna (to the poem; 2021)
with Fio
with Wanda Thot (SoundCloud of Wanda Thot)
- Autonom (to the poem; 2012
- Die Frucht des Zorns (to the poem; 2012
- Euer Lied (to the poem; 2012
with Wayne Lost Soul (Page of Wayne Lost Soul)
- A red block in a cold time (to the poem; 2015
with Weekend Chicken Supervisor
- FĂĽr den Krieg niemals! (to the poem; 2019
with Hisztory, Max Liebers & Fio
with Wunstra / Sandro dem Wundabunten Straszenpunk
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- Outlaw (to the poem; 2012
with Yok Quetschenpaua (Website of Yok)
- Port Kunterbunt (to the poem; 2018
feat. Degordarak dal Randjasiz
with Zargenbruch (Page of Zargenbruch)
- Ihr blickt euch an (to the poem; 2015